Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Curious Case of the Foam Pie in the Face

Ever since I learned that a man named Rupert Murdoch was responsible for what's laughingly referred to as Fox "News", I've had a kind of disdain for the man. I mean anyone familiar with the "news" channel mentioned above knows there's no actual news gathered or reported there. It increasingly feels like a televised convention of morons, racists, and walking, talking Barbie dolls with a specific agenda to give voice to the unintelligent, angry, toothless, sister banging white folks in a certain area of the country. And the ones who clean up well and stick their ugly alter egos in the closet with their gay relatives. Like CNN'S version of Hee Haw.

Almost every day I get a bunch of emails from some group I signed a petition for once to force Fox News and Mr. Murdoch to fire one of their anchors for something inappropriate against the black community in NY. I think the organization is Color of Change. While I like being militant (it makes me feel like I'm following in my mother's footsteps and making her proud in a way), I don't like being cyber raped via email. But, I give them their due attention, and invariably they're about another reporter or whoever on the Murdoch payroll who feel it's ok to diss black folks. Naturally their main target is the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Did you guys hear he's a socialist, Kenyan, black guy who wants to give free medical coverage to everyone, including poor folks--you know, look out for his ghetto homies. Unpatriotic terrorist who hates America. How dare he.

So when I heard about the phone hacking scandal that broke out across the pond, and that it was from one of his newspapers, I wasn't all that shocked. But as the details began to emerge, I was beyond shocked at what was done to the innocents. I don't much care about the celebrities who were hacked, although I do believe they have a right to privacy like we lay folks (although legally and technically, privacy is not a right. At least not one stated in the Bill of Rights. Look it up). A little more concerned about politicians who's info was hacked. But my ire was raised to hear about normal everyday people who were violated by unscrupulous reporters trying to break a story. Most notably the family of a poor young murder victim. How disgusting that these "reporters" hacked her cell phone and deleted messages so more would come in so they could get a scoop, yet, that led her family to believe she was still alive. And as it turned out, she'd been murdered. How can they sleep at night? I guess to people like that, constantly seeking the competitive edge, it doesn't matter if they ever sleep again.

This man, Rupert, is obscenely wealthy, and in charge of a massive media empire. He controls newspapers, television & movie studios, magazines and a grunch of other companies I can't even name. And when you look at them, they seem to share the same conservative right wing stance, but more importantly, I've noticed they also seem to be completely devoid of integrity and basic human decency. Now, while I agree with those of you who will argue businessmen aren't in business to be decent, they're in it to make money. But I find something to be so fundamentally wrong with the entire world when the two can't be synonymous with each other. You can't be successful and humane at the same time? You can't make money and foster integrity within the lattice of workers that constitute your underlings, which are the back bone of your company?

He sat in the Parliamentary hearing today (a feat I'm told is astounding in and of itself but enough British politicians saw the inevitable shit storm a-brewing and knew the man had to be taken to task) and denied all responsibility and knowledge of everything that occurred within his own paper. Now, I understand why he would say this legally. The man has investors to answer to and if he accepted responsibility, that would expose him to serious liability. But I argue, how plausible is it to believe a man of his stature would be kept that deep in the dark? And if it's true, it's time for gramps to fuckin retire. But last I checked, ignorance wasn't always an excuse for wrong doing. Least not over here. And not if you're not rich. But he's over there and he is staggeringly rich, so it may work. To have your fingers in that many pots and not know what the hell is going on is 1). completely unbelievable, 2). totally negligent, & 3). at the end of the day, still your responsibility because you should have known.

Mommy always said "shit rolls downhill". He knew. He just didn't care. He's the poison in the well. And while it may have upset the British sense of decorum, getting a shaving cream pie in the face was a just dessert. He's a caricature of himself with his token Asian wife, who's easily a good forty years younger than him. Although, if she's using that Mother of Pearl, ain't no telling how old she is. She could be eighty too...but based on her catlike agility and bitch slapping the pie man, I'm guessing that's not the case. He and his son are sitting atop an empire made of festering dung heaps. They'd do better to tuck their tales between their legs, humble themselves, and try to be better men. But since that won't happen, all I have to say is: Pie man, next time put some Shug Avery pee in it.

Till next time, lovers!

1 comment:

  1. His wife is 41. Gross! I only wish they had a better camera shot of him getting the pie-in-face a la Anita Bryant! There is something so satisfying about the time-honored tradition of witnessing a a pie getting smashed in someone's face, isn't there? Who thought it up? It's brilliant!
